How to Add a Link or Hyperlink to Your WordPress Content
Back to the WordPress basics in this post which will show you how to create a hyperlink in your content. This is a WordPress visual or text editor feature that is simple to use, once you know where to look. Any place that has the WordPress editor will allow you to add a link to another post or page on your website.
Of course, the first thing is to create or edit a post, page or custom post type. Once you do, you’ll get the traditional WordPress editor that allows you to create your content.

Use this button in your WordPress editor to activate the add a link option.
Linking to Internal Content

This is a GIF showing you how to add a link in WordPress.
Let’s say I want to link to my how to fight WordPress spam blog post, all you need to do is highlight the text that you want to be linked, click the link button on the toolbar, search for your post, click the post and then click add link.
Of course, you don’t have to highlight the text first, you can also click the link button, find the post you want, click that and then add the text you want linked in the Link Text box. Highlighting just makes it a little easier (for me anyway).
One option you have is to Open link in a new window/tab. What this will do is add a target=”blank” to your link HTML so that it opens in a new window. Click here to see my WP Engine review and to see this link open in a new tab/window.
Linking to External Content
It’s the same exact process except this time, you simply copy the URL you want to link to (from your browser’s address bar) and then paste that into the URL field.
- Copy URL to your clipboard. Windows: Control + C. Mac: Command + C.
- Go to your post and highlight the text you want linked.
- Click the Insert/edit link button.
- Click the URL box and paste. Win:Control + V or Mac: Command + V.
- Click the blue Add Link button.
Linking an Image
You can also hyperlink an image that you’ve uploaded to your content. All you do is use the Add Media button, drag your image to your browser to upload and then on the right, look for the section shown in the screenshot.
Look for Link To and switch that to Custom URL which will present the http:// box where you can enter the URL that you want to link to. It’s that simple.